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Our Morning Routine: Feeding all the Animals and Cooking a Homegrown Meal Foraged from the Garden

 Hello we are anastasia and julia we are sisters on a journey to live a self-sustainable

life on our family's organic farm every morning we wake up early to let the

animals out each of their special greetings makes for the best start of the day join us this morning on our daily routine first we say hello to our baby call ducks they live in this brooder that we built from

an old trailer it is electrified so that if any snake fox or goanna tries to hurt them

they'll get a little zap to warm them away this way they can stay cozy and safe inside we added these cute windows that we found

on the side of the road 

 They always get so excited in the morning

and run straight to to our feet we put gum boots on the bottom of the pen

to insulate it so that it doesn't earth out they get so excited for their breakfast but scout and sweet mama our big muscovies

normally try to steal all their food and need a cuddle intervention scout loves her morning snuggles and lets

her feet dangle but sweet mumma duck always tries to escape for more food after cuddle time it's finally time for the

big girls food but the little call ducks want some too on  the other side of the brooder our mom's sweet

australorp chickens sleep they're going through that cute teenage stage

where they have feathers going in every direction 

 They are still learning how to use their ladder oh oh the ducks are back at it the cayugas and big call ducks live in this

pen that we made from an old bed moon moss nebula and arp are still getting

used to their ladder they don't really understand how the ladder

works and which direction takes them where they get so messy when they eat picasso and pluto are up next pluto is shy and doesn't like to walk on the

ladder if anyone is watching picasso is always first out and runs straight

to the garden where he nuzzles his beak into the ground to find insects but he never leaves without pluto they both love eating any fallen tomatoes 

 Which are fertilized by their poop apart from when the little ones sneak off

for some secret spinach they're always at our feet following us everywhere now it's time for the goats they live in our old childhood cubby house

that we converted into a goat pen it started to get less and less stable for

humans but upstairs works as a perfect teenage goat

getaway magnolia loves this seesaw that we made for

her we recently made this chook dome from our

childhood trampoline it is also electrified and covered in netting so that no predators

can get in we also made it crow proof so that the crows can't steal their eggs or hurt them this is the welsh harlequin pen 

 We recently fixed it up electrifying it and

painting a mural they always give the sweetest head bobs which mean hello good morning in ducky language they have the best view on the whole farm

out to the hills and bananas and macadamia trees they only started laying recently so each day we are so excited when we find

the eggs in the laying boxes this is tiny trev she tried to hatch from

her egg backwards and i had to help her out we weren't sure if she was going to make it

but now she is the sweetest ducky who often bosses the others around sometimes they are so well behaved and sometimes not 

 They love eating mulberries from the tree they are special duck candy that makes them

so excited after we feed the sheep and move them to their

new paddock for the day it's the most beautiful walk to get them this is mulberry and her lamb silk worm they're always either the first the last to

come when we call because it's tick season each day we give every lamb a cuddle to check

everywhere for ticks this is definitely our favorite job magnolia always gets jealous of the cuddles

and begs for some head scratches this is palmyra and silkworm at the moment we're trying to teach the baby

ducks how to eat pests in the garden they 

 Eat grubs and insects instinctively but have

also started to eat our cherry tomatoes as a special treat and the spinach has a duck

height gap where every leaf has been eaten oops this season we had lots of tomatoes potatoes

radish and zucchini fava beans broccoli herbs and greens the mango flowers have bloomed but we think

that we'll have a rainy summer so they probably won't fruit heavily because we had a drought last year we didn't

get many avocados or macadamia nuts this winter so it's all up to the weather julia is our main gardener because i always

get too distracted with duck cuddling finally it's time to feed us we're going to have a duck egg omelet with

greens from the garden 

 We normally end our morning having breakfast

out with the ducks

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